13th July 2013
My Dear Kush,
You have learned that sun rises in the east and sheds in the west .This is the reason why I witnessed rising of sun in morning at about 5 AM in Dibrugarh, Assam and its shedding in the evening at about 4.30PM.
This is again the reason why America is one date behind India- you are seeing evening of 13th July while its morning of this date. But if we forget this fact, which is normal if you are living in any country, here we observe day light from 5 AM and sun rises not latter than 6AM. But there remains sun-light in the night when sun sheds after 8.30PM. When I observe my watch in the evening looking to shedding of the light , it is always more than 7.30 while I was thinking it about 6 PM-as happens in India.
The beginning of the day or sun rise ,in Bangalore, is characterized with noise of birds and you may observe many birds in the sky ,moving from the place ; so is the case in the evening. But it is not so in America. Here , we guess beginning of the day only with day light and later rising of sun. I have not seen birds in the sky -in morning or evening -either near house or when we are moving to other places. Similarly noise of birds is also not pronounced. I visited internet sites of birds of North America and could speculate that here birds are small -2-6 inches in size and comes under Hummingbirds which are neither good flyers nor make loud noise.
Though there is a big garden with good number of trees in your mausi's house and so is the case with neighbors but I could not see wild rats , squirrels -though one hare is there which is roaming on these grounds. As this is summer time in Boston, I was expecting birds' nests at least on some trees but all my efforts to locate a bird nest has gone in wane.
you will fail to see persons outside your house; even your neighbor remains invisible as it takes only half minute to get into their car (I have not seen any family sitting in their gardens ) and you can see only moving cars every where -there also you can not identify the person as all cars have framed glasses with good speed. your mausajee was telling me that America is trying driverless cars and it may be a reality ,after some time ; imagine,at that time it will be difficult to know how many cars are being driven by men and how many running themselves.
When we went to other towns or Boston I could see only moving cars which raised curiosity whether there is any public transport or bus service or not. Thanks God ! bus service is there for commuting between the cities but their routs are different that's why we are seeing only cars on these highways.
The only sound which I continue to hear, during day and night, is of vehicles -mostly it is car but disrupted with trucks or at time police van. If a silencer is fitted in these moving cars , I think the whole city will turn into a sound less place- a natural beauty.
How much different is this scenario from your place?. There is no way to avoid the persons. On the roads , even with cars there are scooters ,motor cycles where you witness both boy and girls, there are buses ,with full load . So every where you will see the people. Moreover, there are market places where persons are moving on the streets on foot . You know we have tendency to park car at some place and then move on foot for particular place; it is not so in Sharon. The places for human activity are either petrol pump or shopping complex. In latter case, you will reach to the complex by car, get down there and will enter in the shop- only one minute activity.
When Indians , particularly retired persons like us, visit this country they are amazed to see this place and soon develops depression .And for Indians, this place appears sunsan or lonely where there is no one to watch or talk; it does not mean that Americans are rude. On the contrary Americans are very courteous; they may give a smile towards you , will stand behind you without asking any thing; for this reason , its bad culture to remain standstill in common places.
So reading this letter, you will appreciate how different culture is of two countries. Today we are planning to visit a Farm for cherry picking provided weather remains good.
With love and affection,
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